Washington Life Magazine
Washington Life Magazine
National Italian American Foundation Gala

Singer Tony Bennett

Actress Sophia Loren

Ballaman & Edourad Luciano

Miss Italy,
Catalina Acosta

Actor Robert Deniro

Carlo Fusco & Silvia DiPietro

Gladis Claris
Francesco Paulo Furio

Vincent Picardi and son
John C. Picardi (playwright)

Karl Bourldeau

Bob and Sophia and Tony and Doris

And Yogi and Tommy and Antonin. The stars came out for the 27th annual dinnerhonoring prominent Italian-Americans (and sultry Italian movie actress SophiaLoren, the first non-American inducted into the Italian American Foundation'sHall of Fame) at the Hilton Washington. Other honorees at the October 26 galawere actor Robert De Niro, Sony Music Chairman Tommy Mottola, chairman,president and CEO of Home Depot Robert Nardelli, Saks Fifth AvenuePresident and CEO Christina Johnson and Electronic Data Systems ViceChairman Paul Chiapparone. Although President Bush was a no-show, HomelandSecurity Director Tom Ridge was there to present Robert Nardelli's award. Italianwine flowed, Tony Bennett serenaded in honor of siren Loren, who wore apale orange organza Aramni gown, and 3.2 million was raised to support theFoundation's many scholarships. Viva Italia!

Actor Robert Loggia

Fabio Carini,
Giovanna D’Amico &
Michaelangelo Boem

James Valenti

Federico Tanata
& Eizabetha Renaldi

Christine Davi

Roberto Costanzo,
Francesco Grimi & Lello Marra

Frank Rudman,
Sal Fontana & James Fontana

              Photos by Zaid Hamid


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