Washington Life Magazine
Washington Life Magazine
Spanish Residence's Farewell to the Oyarzabals
Hasta La Vista Amigos!

Judging by the number of parties thrown this summer for departing Spanish Ambassador Antonio Oyarzabaland his American-born wife Beatrice, the couple made a grand impression on Washington during theirfour-year tenure here. Parties hosted by Arnaud and Alexandra de Borchgrave, Lloyd and Didi Cutler,Bitsey Folger, Ina Ginsburg, Penne Percy Korth, Mandy and Mary Ourisman, Lucky Roosevelt and DebbieSigmund preceeded the final farewell party at the Spanish residence in late July where hundreds of guestswaited in the receiving line to say their goodbyes. The Ambassador announced that he expects to run aninternational conference promoting Spanish language and culture in Valladolid, Spain. His successor,Ambassador, Javier Ruperez holds a degree in law and journalism from the University of Madrid andpreviously served as the president of the Defence Committee and of the Foreign Affairs Committee of theSpanish House of Deputies. He and his wife Rakela Cerovic have two daughters.


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