YGL Snapshot: Matthew Kroenig

by Editorial

YGL Snapshot, Matthew Kroenig, answers WL’s version of the Proust Questionnaire.


Photo by Tony Powell

Our February issue released the much anticipated The Young & The Guest List, which features the movers and shakers in the Washington Area who are under 40. Here is a closer look at one of our features, Matthew Kroenig, Assistant Professor of Government at Georgetown, Special Advisor on Nonproliferation, Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Author of “Exporting the Bomb: Technology Transfer and the Spread of Nuclear Weapons. He answers several questions about himself from what book is on his night stand to what’s on his Ipod.

Reading now?
“On Thermonuclear War” by Herman Kahn.

Somewhere you’ve never been, but would like to go?
A gorilla-tracking safari in Rwanda.

Favorite DC restaurant and what do you order?
Tough question. It’s a tie between 2 Amy’s pizza and the sablefish dressed in red at Citronelle.

On your iPod?
Sweat from my run this morning.

Favorite quote of the moment?
“I have simple tastes. I’m always satisfied with the best.” Oscar Wilde.

Favorite app?
Google maps. I’d be lost without it.

Something surprising about you?
My sister, Julie, is a television news anchor and my brother, Brad, is one of the world’s top fashion models.

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